Guamá STP approves new resident enterprises
The Innovation Space Building, of the Guamá Science and Technology Park, receives new ventures. The companies Center for Studies and Applications in Logistics and Environment (Cealma) and Environmental Logistics R Q LOG; and the startups Center for Research and Technology in Amazonian Biomes (CPT BioAmazon) and Multilevelbank now integrate the residents of the technology park. Inaugurated […]
Training starts implementation of ‘Google for Education’

A training program launched this Tuesday (24), promoted by the Secretary of State for Education (Seduc), has begun the implementation of the Google for Education internet resources platform in public schools. It is a technological solution that facilitates teaching and learning activities inside and outside the classroom, through the use of any mobile device connected […]
Innovation Space of the Guamá Technology Park receives new companies
Construction, education, engineering, veterinary, information technology and communication, food and beverages are the sectors of new enterprises and startups approved for installation in the Innovation Space Building, at the Guamá Science and Technology Park (Guamá STP) in Belém. Labovete, Gaudens, Vivá, Calman Brasil and Solved; And the startups Casa de Várzea, Grade 33 and Basis […]
Company installed at the Guamá STP develops virtual reality glasses made from Miriti
On May 26, Inteceleri, a technology company focused on creating projects, solutions and tools aimed at improving the quality of education, presented its new project, the MiritiBoard VR, virtual reality glasses that uses the core Of miriti as raw material. The project was presented in the auditorium of the Innovation Space building, at the Guamá […]
Technology developed in Pará wins international bid
The MDI – Mundo Digital Interativo, a company installed in the Guamá Science and Technology Park in Belém, and Editora Letra e Ponto in São Paulo, formed the Educatech consortium and won the World Bank’s international bidding to customize and deploy an On Distance Education platform in the city of Rio de Janeiro. By 2017 about […]