First lady and NAC team visit Technological Park

On the morning of Wednesday, January 17, the first lady of the state, Ana Jatene; The director general of the Articulation and Citizenship Nucleus (NAC), Daniele Khayat; And team, visited the Guamá Science and Technology Park (Guamá STP). The visit was guided by the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Professional and Technological Education (Sectet), through the secretary, Alex Fiúza de Mello; the assistant secretary, Maria Amélia Enríquez; As well as directors and coordinators of the organ.

At the opportunity, the actions and activities carried out by the Secretariat were presented, especially those related to the coordination of the Inova Pará and Pará Profissional Programs, supported by Laws no. 8.426, which provides for incentives for innovation, and. 8,427, which creates the Vocational and Technological Education Program, instituted on November 16, 2016.

The deputy secretary pointed out that the two programs are part of the strategic planning of the State Government, entitled Pará 2030.”The productive chains defined as strategic in the planning need the scientific and technological support and, advancing in science, technology and innovation, helps us to overcome the extractive model observed in the State and does leverage development,” he noted.

Maria Amélia Enríquez recalled that those who innovate are the entrepreneurs, but one of the responsible for creating environments favorable to this is the State. The programs coordinated by Sectet are examples of this endeavor. On the one hand, Inova Pará provides innovative spaces in which academia’s knowledge is integrated with popular knowledge in order to boost productive chains and improve the lives of the population.

Complementarily, Pará Profissional qualifies this population according to the demands of each municipality, which facilitates the contracting of the local community, providing income to these people, which benefits the production, the commerce and the population as a whole, Generating a self-sustaining cycle.

After the presentation, the visitors were able to meet three laboratories installed in the Innovation Space of Pct Guamá: the Nucleus of Research and Development in Telecommunications, Automation and Electronics (Lasse); The Laboratory of Vegetable Oils and Derivatives; And the Center for the Valorization of Bioactive Compounds of the Amazon (Cvacba). The first lady said she was very pleased with what she saw and promised to return to meet other spaces in the Park. “I was impressed to see how much progress we have made in science and technology, and I hope that along with the NAC we can bring all that closer to the communities,” said Ana Jatene.

Guamá Science and Technology Park – Built in Belém, in a 73-hectare area provided by UFPA and UFRA, Guamá STP is the first technology park to enter operation in the North Region. The construction and consolidation of the space are the responsibility of the Government of Pará, through Sectet. In addition to the Milk Quality Lab, the technology park houses other projects, such as the Regional Amazon Center of the National Institute of Space Research (CRA Inpe); The Center of Excellence in Energy Efficiency of the Amazon (Ceamazon); The High Voltage Laboratory and the Innovation Space, a building that houses advanced research and development laboratories that offer varied services to the public and private sectors, startups and companies that have the essence of investment in innovation.

The Guamá STP houses in its complex other projects such as the Amazon Regional Center of the National Institute of Space Research (CRA Inpe); The Center of Excellence in Energy Efficiency of the Amazon (Ceamazon); The High Voltage Laboratory and the recently inaugurated Laboratory of Milk Quality.

Text By: Fernanda Graim – Ascom Sectet
Translation by: Matheus Castelo Branco – Guamá STP


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