The Guama Science and Technology Park (PCT Guamá) received the visit of the Pilgrim Image of Our Lady of Nazareth on Wednesday afternoon, 30, in the Innovation Space Building. Conducted by PCT Guamá’s director-president, representatives and Board of Directors of the Nazaré Party and Caritas Belém , the image of the Virgin Mary was greeted with prayers and religious songs by officials, family members and residents of the technology park.
Deacons Ademirson Dias and Miguel Pinto held a small celebration highlighting the importance of virtues such as humility, service, empathy and fraternal coexistence. “This is a moment of recognition of the Virgin Mary’s benevolence and renewal of faith. May Our Lady lead the way and enable the growth of her congregation”, preached Deacon Dias during the celebration.
Next, the PCT Guama president, Antônio Abelém, thanked the visit of the Pilgrim Image and highlighted the emotion of the moment. “It is an honor and a blessing to pay this simple homage to Our Lady of Nazareth. We thank the Board of the Party, especially Arnaldo Pinheiro and Vera Amaral, who made this possible”, said the director.
At the end of the celebration, with sullen eyes, some participants spoke about the moment. “My feeling is pure emotion, I feel renewed and strengthened when I have the privilege of being close to Her”, said Mônica Caetano, an advisor to the Guamá Foundation. The official Rita Abitbol spoke about her devotion: “She is the mother who comforts our hearts, helping in the preparation of this simple ceremony was a gesture of love.”
The Pilgrim Image of Our Lady of Nazareth is the same used in the Círio de Nazaré, in Belém do Pará, which attracts about two million pilgrims in a procession on the second Sunday of October.
Pictures: Idêe Amazônia