Guamá STP promotes free workshops at Innovation Space

Law of Informatics and Interactivity, Connectivity and Social Mobilization are the themes of the workshops that will be given on 27 and 28, respectively, in the Innovation Space Building, of the Guamá Science and Technology Park (Guamá STP). The actions are free and aim to stimulate the development of innovative entrepreneurship in the region. Registration can be done on the internet.

On the 27th, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m., the Informatics Law workshop, promoted in partnership with the company Inove Amazônia and the Pará Association of Software and ICT Companies (ParaTIC), addresses knowledge about Law nº 8248/91, which grants Tax incentives for companies in the technology sector (hardware and automation fields) that have the practice of investing in research and development.

The general aspects of the law will be presented by the lawyer specialized in Management of Innovation and Intellectual Property Thais Haber. Also will be registered the position of companies from Para, represented by ParaTIC, and the vision of researchers working in the area. The action is aimed at entrepreneurs of the sector of information technology and communication and has the objective of leveling the knowledge and showing the tax incentives.

“The law in question is federal, but opens the debate about the incentives practiced in the state. This is the first of a series of activities aimed at strengthening the articulation of the local productive software arrangement, which has Guamá STP as the focal point. Throughout the year we will promote workshops with other topics relevant to entrepreneurs in the sector, “says the Coordinator of Attraction and Consolidation of Enterprises of Guamá STP, Milksom Campelo.

On the 28th, from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Espaço Inovação receives the workshop Interactivity, Connectivity and Social Mobilization, in partnership with Natura. In the program will be presented the Support Program for Local Development of the company, developed in Benevides, Marituba, Santa Izabel do Pará, Santa Bárbara do Pará and Mosqueiro.

The goal is to bring together companies or groups of developers from Natura and the technology park to stimulate ideas about connection software that solve local problems, mainly through the development of applications and strategies of gamification, a methodology that uses elements of games to engage People to achieve a goal. The workshop is aimed at developers, teachers and students of computer science and related areas.

PCT Guamá’s CEO, Antônio Abelém, emphasizes that actions of this nature stimulate the strengthening of innovation in the State. “The events aim to integrate the different audiences that work with innovative entrepreneurship, strengthening qualified networking. Throughout the year we will develop other actions to encourage more and more the participation of society in the spaces of the technology park “, he informs.


Informatics Law Workshop.
3/27, 6:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.
Place: Innovation Space Building Auditorium.
Apply here.

Interactivity, Connectivity and Social Mobilization Workshop.
3/28, 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Apply here.

The Innovation Space Building is located at the Guamá Science and Technology Park (Av. Perimetral, Km 1, s/n). More information: +55(91)3321-8900

Text by Juliane Frazão
Translation by Matheus Castelo Branco


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