Children of Terra Firme participate in Christmas event in the technology park

About 150 children of the Terra Firme neighborhood participated in the Guamá STP Solidarity Christmas, this wednesday’s (21) morning. Happening for 5 years, this event is part of the annual calendar of the technology park has already attended around 1000 children of the park surroundings.

The event counted with ludic and cultural activities. The party was made by the Guamá STP team and by the artisan and art-educator Ângelo Fonseca, as known as Saci, that works with valuation of the Amazon popular culture. “I make a work of research and rescue of Amazonian legends using cloth dolls that I make, and with actions like this where I use our legends to share important values with the kids, as the environment preservation, for example”, affirms the art-educator.

To integrate the parents and kids with other actions happening in the neighborhood, the association invited the Pro Paz Art Company, for a little presentation of the Hip Hop group. “It is a project developed in the suburbs that has a huge acceptance because the teenagers identify a lot with the Hip Hop – dance, music and art – and, from the moment they identify with it, we can develop a work to form citizens that care about their community”, said the art-educator.

The event also had distribution of toys, Presentation of the choir of the Gardens I and II and staging of Christmas. Rafaele Ribeiro, 5 years old, was happy with the morning event. “I really liked my gift and listening to Saci’s stories”.

Inteceleri, company installed at the Innovation Space building of the Guamá STP , performed a donation of colored multiplication tables, that accelerate and make easier the learning of basic mathematics, and also donated tablets and a computer for the computers room of the residents’ association. “We are very satisfied in being part of this action and getting closer to the community. We believe that the education directed to innovative projects will give us a better future”, affirms Dilmar Batista, one of the company’s coordinator.

Antônio Abelém, Director President of the Guamá Foundation, social organization that manages the park, evalued positively the action.  “It is aways a satisfaction to work with kids of the surrounding area and see their happinness. For the next editions, besides giving toys, we want to make propositive actions and partnerships to serve the parents and community leaders”, affirms the director president.

In this edition, the Guamá STP solidarity christmas counted with the partnership of the Gabriel Pimenta Residents’ Association and the Amazon Regional Center of the National Institute of Space Research (CRA/Inpe); with the support of Inteceleri, Pro Paz (UFRA Pole), the Pará State Sindicate of Road workers, Montese Frios e Fatiados, contributors, resident laboratories of the STP and anonymous people who endorsed the campaign of collection of toys.


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