Laboratory assists free residential lighting project

The Laboratory of Advanced Technologies in Lighting and Electrical Installations of the Center of Excellence in Energy Efficiency of the Amazon (Ceamazon), installed in the Guamá Science and Technology Park, in Belém, offers free service of elaboration of projects of residential electrical installations for families that have Income of up to R$1,800.00.

The project is aimed at homes with a maximum of 150 square meters, single or two-phase, that are under renovation or construction, and whose residents are unable to hire a professional to do the service. After scheduling, technicians and students of the Laboratory make the technical visit to the residence, to verify if it fits the pre-established parameters. After the visit a low floor plan and the electrical project are elaborated, within the safety standards, for later execution by a professional hired by the resident.

The action aims to consolidate and improve the activities associated with the projects of extension of the Laboratory. “It is a way to offer scholarship students and volunteers the opportunity to carry out activities aimed at improving the teaching-learning process through extension practices”, said Professor Carminda Carvalho, coordinator of the Laboratory of Advanced Technologies of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA).

Rational Use – In addition to providing advice on the development of residential electrical projects, the Laboratory offers lectures on the rational use of electric energy, as well as alternatives for teaching associated with electricity and energy efficiency, aimed at high school and/or vocational schools that Seek to better prepare students for the National High School Exam (Enem) and college entrance exams.

The Laboratory of Advanced Technologies in Lighting and Electrical Installations is one of five laboratories that make up Ceamazon, the result of an agreement signed in 2006 between UFPA and Eletrobras / Procel, with facilities in the Guamá Science and Technology Park.

Service: Elaboration of projects of residential electrical installations, guidelines related to the correct use of electric energy and lectures for students of high and/or vocational school. The services are free and can be scheduled by e-mail or by telephone (91) 98340-6381 and (91) 98320-8820, during the term of the extension project.


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