Anprotec and Samsung hold an event to promote the Creative Economy Promotion Program in Belém

On August 4, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., the Guamá Science and Technology Park will host the Anprotec and Samsung Road Show, an enlightening event about the third round of the Program for the Promotion of Creative Economy, held by the National Association of Promoters of Innovative Enterprises (Anprotec), Samsung and Korean Center for Creative Economy and Innovation (CCEI). The entrance is free, with a maximum capacity of 70 seats.

The program aims to stimulate and support the development and acceleration of technology-based ventures that operate in the following areas of interest: 1) digital health, wellness and fitness; 2) security, privacy & theft; 3) convergence and connectivity solutions; 4) fintech (digital finance); 5) battery and data management; 6) digital agriculture; 7) artificial intelligence; 8) digital education; 9) new experiences with social networks; 10) telecommunication companies and consumers.

The Call for Proposals will select up to 10 synergistic Prototype / Concept Prototype (PoC) projects for the sectors of interest in the program, which will receive financial support and a package of services aimed at technological and market improvement of their prototypes / PoC within the scope of Program for the Promotion of the Creative Economy. Support activities will last up to six (6) months.

Developed from Samsung’s demand and reference to the South Korean Creative Economy Promotion Model, the Creative Economy Promotion Program consists of a set of activities related to the identification, selection and support of Creative Economy projects. Such projects will be supported by Samsung, Anprotec and incubators of participating companies, aiming at the generation and development of successful technology-based enterprises. The program is in the third edition, in which incubators of companies accredited to the Committee for Research and Development Activities in the Amazon (CAPDA / MDIC), were pre-selected to carry out the planned activities.

The deadline for submission of applications will be closed on August 20, 2017. The full text of the public notice is available at this link.

Anprotec e Samsung Road Show
Date:August 4th, 2017. From 9h30 a.m. to 11h30 a.m.
Place: Innovation Space Building’s Auditorium, at the Guamá Science and Technology Park – Av. Perimetral, km 01, S/N.
Telephone: +55(91) 3321-8900.

With information from Anprotec


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