Fab Lab Belém inaugurates headquarters at Guamá STP

Give autonomy to the Amazon in the construction of its own world, democratize access to technologies and stimulate creativity. To this end, Fab Lab Belém opened its doors on Saturday, 11, at the Innovation Space building in the Guamá Science and Technology Park. The lab is part of the Fab Labs global network and will operate on three fronts: digital manufacturing, education and project development.

The inauguration counted on a cycle of lectures, focused on digital manufacture, creative economy, culture, music and electronic interactivity; With the exhibition of hand-made prostheses and digital fabrication of the Occupational Therapy Laboratory of the State University of Pará (Uepa), effect pedals and DIY guitar and 3D printers; As well as a cultural program with the participation of artists such as Lucas Estrela and Félix Robatto.

The name Fab Lab comes from the abbreviation in English for the term “Fabrication Laboratory”. The Fab Lab Belém is a maker space, where people can develop their own equipment, machines, programs, objects or parts. It is a space for innovation and invention with digital and technological manufacturing resources. Later this month, the space will begin to offer the courses “3D Modeling” and “3D Printing”.

“It does not need to have an specific training to come to our space, our goal is to offer courses with the goal of transferring knowledge so that people can learn these technologies. We will have one day a week in which the laboratory will be open to the community – yet to be defined – and, moreover, we are very interested in working with the communities inserted in the surroundings of the technology park, in the areas of Guamá and Terra Firme, even yesterday we received The news of the approval of our first project and we will start working with virtual reality in these communities, “said Thiago Kunz, executive director of Fab Lab Belém.

The joint for the installation of Fab Lab Belém in the Science and Technology Park Guamá began in the second half of 2015, before the delivery of the Innovation Space building. “The partnership between PCT Guamá and Fab Lab Belém emerged when we identified the potential and opportunities that this space is capable of offering. The Fab Lab is able to help enterprises that need to develop equipment with reduced costs, as well as to play an educational role in stimulating a culture that values knowledge, and this is completely in line with our objective”, said Antônio Abelém, Director Of The Guamá Science and Technology Park.

Fab Lab Belém was founded in 2013 and is part of the Fab Labs worldwide network. The space acts in a network to spread the maker thought in the Amazon. During its consolidation, we highlight the exchange of experiences with the Fab Lab Garage – one of the most active in Brazil, in São Paulo.

More Information: http://fablabbelem.org/ / +55 (91) 3321-8900

Text: Juliane Frazão, with information from Fab Lab Belém
Translation: Matheus Castelo Branco


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