Guamá STP receives international incentive program for entrepreneurship

If you have good ideas, but doesn’t know how to put them in the market, or if you have already started your businness, but still need help developing it, the 3 Day Startup Checkpoint Program is fit for you! It is a intensive entrepreneurship program focused in initial state startups or people whose ideas are still just a plan. The program is free and the applications can be made until March 3rd at the website The number of participants is limited and the program will take place at the Innovation Space building at the Guamá Science and Technology Park.

Based on the 3 Day Startup methodology (3DS) created at University of Texas at Austin, the event proposes a 3 day imersion at the business world, with management techniques and the most updated visions of the world market. Mentoring, workshops and discussion groups integrate the schedule. The differential of the event is the possibility of the startup receive investments, by the end of each cycle the 3DS and the United States Embassy in Brazil pick the best ideas to participate at the 3DS Global Roundup, event that gathers entrepreneurs and investors.

Aleksander Leventhal, Feather‘s CEO, will be the program’s facilitator. He, and a team of local experient professionals at the development of startups will guide the participants at the formation of teams, ideas validation and other themes related to the startups universe.

This is the second time that the 3 Days Startup makes an event in Belém. In March 2016 the institution made the U.S. Brasil Startup Connection, an event that had about 50 pariticipants and created 7 startups. At the first edition, two participants went to Austin (Texas – USA), with all the expenses paid by the program.

This action is made by the 3 Day Startup, in partnership with the United States Embassy in Brazil and support of the Guamá Science and Technology Park.

About the 3 Day Startup – Non-profit organization, already hold events in the 5 continents, launching about a 100 companies. At all, the business that emerged from these events already raised about 70 million dollars in financing.


3 Day Startup Checkpoint Program

When: March 17 to  19, 2017

Time: 3/17(Friday) 16:30h to 22h; 3/18(Saturday) 11h to 16:30h; 3/19(Sunday) at 19:30hs.

Where: Innovation Space Building, at the Guamá Science and Technology Park – Av. Perimetral, Km 01, S/N.


Applications are free, will be open until 3/3, but are limited.

More info:

Program is directed, but not limited, to university students.


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