Newton Fund promotes Brazil-United Kingdom business mission focused in Smart Cities

Brazilian companies interested in developing technologies with british companies in the field o smart cities are the focus of the workshop that will be developed at January 23 and 25, in São Paulo and Belo Horizonte, respectively. To participate, the interested companies have to apply until January 13, 2017 at 17hs and wait for the selective proccess of the United Kingdom Embassy.

The workshop, in the framework of Newton fund’s innovation notice,  is a meeting oportunity for 14 british companies interested in the development of urban solutions with social and economic impacts. There won’t be any financing for the participation of Brazilian companies in this event – except for the lunch, that will be provided at the place.

The Newton Fund’s initiative is part of the innovation notice between MDIC/BNDES/EMBRAPII e Innovate UK,  signed in november 2016 and opened until May 3, 2017. By means of this collaboration, its sought the establishment of partnerships between brazilian and british companies interested in developing technological solutions as an answer to the social, environmental and echonomic challenges of the brazilian cities. The eligible areas of the notice are: Internet of things, big data, smart grids, multimodal transport technologies, traffic management technologies, clean energy solutions,  water and sewage infrastructure and green-blue infrastructure.

Workshop Schedule
São Paulo: January 23
Belo Horizonte: January 25

8h30 – 9h: Arrival of delegates and coffee
9h – 9h15: Opening address
9h15 – 9h30: UK Government & Newton Fund Programme
9h30 – 10h10: Introduction of Funding Organisations, with Summary of Call and Call Process
10h10 – 10h40: Introduction to Brazil urbanization challenges and links to Brazil-UK Newton Fund scope
10h40 – 11h00: IP Management in International R&D Collaboration
11h – 11h15: Coffee break
11h15 – 12h30: UK Delegate Presentations
– Brokering format briefin
– 14-15 UK delegate
– Each delegate gets a 5-min pitch (4min slide + 1min Q&A)
12h30 – 13h30: Networking Lunch
13h30 – 14h30: Brazilian Delegate Presentation
– 10 Brazilian delegates
– Each delegate gets a 5-min pitch (4min slide + 1min Q&A)
14h30 – 17h00: 1-to-1 Meetings
17h:  Summary and close

Profile of the british companies that will be part of the workshop

Advizzo – Social impact startup founded in 2015 with the objective of optimizing the water and power management of public service companies through a software, thus fitting in the sectors of clean energy solutions and water and waste management. Has no subsidiary in Brazil.

Bathwick Eletrical – Small company of consulting in energy founded in 2007 specialized in the design of electric machines and electromagnetic apparatus. They are interested in developing an wind energy generator with brazilian partners, thus fitting in the sector of urban innovation. Has no subsidiary in Brazil.

Digital Catapult – Digital Startups accelerator and also consultant of big companies that want to become digital. Has the objective of “Help to increase the number of digital businesses.”. Founded in 2013, with headquarters in London.

Future Cities Catapult – Medium company that operates as an impact startup accelerator. Founded in 2013, with headquarters in London, trains innovative companies that search for new solutions for the urbanistic problems. Has no subsidiary in Brazil.

Green Fuel Research – Large company with headquarters in Berkeley, UK. Founded in 2003, is specialist in building and hiring of equipment for biodiesel production, besides being a refinery of this fuel. Fits in the sector of clean energy solutions. Has an office in Rio de Janeiro.

Gyana – Startup founded in 2014, with headquarters in London. Works with market research and use Artificial Intelligence; Big Data; Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis; Geospatial analysis, etc. to sketch data of the urban population interaction with the new technologies for, then, prospect scenarios to companies interested in information related to its market. Has no subsidiary in Brazil.

Institute for Environmental Analytics – Started in 2015 with an inicial contribution of €5.6 million from the HEFCE Catalyst Fund, a fund for education innovation in England. The IEA works with applied R&D and has the objective of developing technologies, knowledge and skills that are urgent to transform the cutting edge research about environmental challenges in relllevant commercial solutions that be available to key sectors of the society.

Integrated Environmental Solutions – Medium sized company with headquarters in Glagow, UK. Provides software services, consulting in education and green buildings, and sustainable management. Through a 3D analysis software, offers a great variety of energy efficiency models for buildings. Has no subsidiary in Brazil.

IMGeospatial – Startup founded in 2015 with headquarters in Bucks, UK. Makes automated analysis with a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach that aims to provide solutions for a variety of challenges faced by various industry sectors around the world. Provides a series of services, as: creation of new insights and business intelligence; creation of sustainable rentability; problems resolution in almost real time; Increasing of planning and mitigation of risks; Integration to existing geospatial platforms; facilitation of positive changes in society.

Inavya Ventures – Private R&D company that supports british startups of technological basis in Machine Learning and Medical Technologies. Its Headquarters are in London. Founded in 2012.

Oxford Brookes University – New university in Oxford, England. Has its origins in 1865, when the old Oxford School of Art was established. Gained University status in 1992.

Perpetual V2G Systems – Startup founded in 2013. Works with clean energy, systems for carbon reduction, systems of solar energy storage, oceanic power solutions, support to electric vehicles, Projects of isolated power generation systems. Based in Wales, UK.

Red Ninja – Small sized technological design company based in Liverpool, UK. Founded in 2011, works with Big Data, app development, electrical engineering, biomedical science, sensors technology, Internet of Things (IoT), smart cities and machine learning. Develops from mobile games and apps to cutting edge researches in health, transportation, sales, education, urban planning and environment. Has no subsidiary in Brazil.

SEaB Energy – Small sized company based on the University of Southampton Science Park, in Southampton, UK. Founded in 2009, works with green energy, renewable resources and environment. Has already produced two machines of “anaerobic digestion”, which generates energy based on waste. Has no subsidiary in Brazil.


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