Company Installed at the Guamá STP performs a practical physics course

The Mundo Digital Interativo – MDI, company installed at the Guamá Science and Technology Park, provides, starting this month, a practical physics course turned to the high school students or college freshman students. The applications can be made at, and it costs R$60,00.

The course is developed in two days, with a total workload of eight hours, the course addresses themes like fluid flow, in which the students use a viscosity, fluids static and dynamics workbenches; And aerodynamics that, in addition to theoretical reinforcement classes, explanatory videos and applications in the industry, culminates in the construction and launch of a model aircraft developed by the students.

The practial applications workbenches were developed in Belém by André Mesquita, professor at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) and Tecnolago’s Director, technologic park that is in Implantation phasis in Tucuruí, at the southeast of Pará. The course also counts with the cultural support of Estácio University.

This action is a deployment of  YouInLab, platform for interactive learning developed by the company, based in an exclusive technology of simulation laboratories focused on the learning of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Connected to interactive educational scripts, the platform provides multiple learning experiences and allows the students to test hypothesis, make conclusions and live the theory, applying the knowledge obtained in class.

To Manoel Sena, Associated Owner of MDI, the course answers a need of reinforcement in education. “The ideal approach is that the students have access to physical laboratories that can make the handling of real objects, verify the reactions and think at the cause and effect relations which they are observing. For the schools (public and private) having a structure like this is complicated because it involves costs with equipment acquisition, hiring of specialized staff for the operation, maintenance and adequation of the machines and phisical space. As a rule, few schools in Pará and in Brazil can implement this type of structure. We believe there is a latent demand that we can supply with this type of service – Physical and Virtual laboratories”, evaluates Manoel.


Physics Laboratory Course – 8h workload, developed in two days, with a previous scheduling in Application fee of R$ 60,00 by student. The activities will be developed at the company headquarters at the Innovation Space of the Guamá STP– Av. Perimetral, km 01, s/n.

Professors: Manoel Sena, doctor in Fluids Mechanics by the INPG/France; Raul Nascimento, specialist in Environmental Management (Iesam) and Adrielle Rodrigues, Environmental Engineer (Iesam).

More info: / +55 (91) 9 8128-8297


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