Inpe offers training in forest monitoring

The National Institute of Space Research/Amazon Regional Center (INPE/CRA), installed at the Guamá Science and Technology Park (Guamá STP), will perform between the days 9 and 12 of january of 2017 the training “Satellite forest monitoring using the TerraAmazon system for PRODES and TERRACLASS projects”. The course is free and focused on graduated or senior year professionals.

The candidate must be graduated or be in the senior year of Cartographic Engineering, Forest Engineering, Ecology, Geology, Biology, Environmental Engineering, Agronomy or related areas. Is extremely desired that the candidate has experience in remote sensing and geoprocessing. Interested people have to sent the lattes curriculum to the emails and, until 10h of the next friday, 6. There will be offered 24 seats in the course.

The course will be taught by Luis Waldyr Rodrigues Sadeck and Carlos da Costa Mesia, geographers and consultants of the project of Traing in Forest Monitoring via Satellite (Capacitree), initiative that has qualified since 2010 more than 450 technicians from Latin American countries, Asia and Africa,  by using maping and monitoring technologies with the system TerraAmazon, software developed by the Image Processing Division (DPI/INPE) in partnership with the Foundation of Science, Applications and Space Technologies (Funcate).

The Capacitree also generates  teaching material in the form of video lessons, available in portuguese, english, french and spanish, which can be used for free in undergraduating and post-graduating classrooms, making easy the propagation of tools and sharing training in a  Didactical way.

“We are accomplishing our missions, that are the Amazon Monitoring via Satellite and the training, moving in the way of becoming a reference center. We develop everything, but our work is continuous. The difference is at what we will be evolving now. Over 6 years of installation at the Guamá STP, the CRA enjoys of a whole innovative infrastructure that answers the actual and future demands in the fields of geotechnologies and space technologies”, says the boss of CRA/INPE, Alessandra Gomes.


Course “Satellite forest monitoring using the TerraAmazon system for PRODES and TERRACLASS projects”, from January 9 to 12, 2017, from 8h to 12h and 13:30h to 17:30h, with a total workload of 32h. At the Inpe/CRA headquarters, at the Guamá Science and Technology Park – Av. Perimetral, 2561. Pre-selection by sending the lattes curriculum to the emails and, until 10h of the January 6, 2017.

(with information from the Communication Department of Inpe/CRA)

By Juliane Frazão
Translation by Matheus Castelo Branco


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