Technological Innovation Viability Environment

– Support Services to the Integration of Ideas and Projects


The proposal aims at supporting the integration of ideas and projects as a kind of pre-incubator, designed to promote the integration of research projects (product ideas) with investing potential. Such integration foresees the creation of products in the Park or region interest areas, thus, promoting the generation of spin-offs.


Plug and Play Services


It is a service intended to locating the physical and flexible space; it was projected with the purpose of incrementing the attraction of companies by enabling them to operate while their definite installation is being achieved. The process and the technological domain are made possible simultaneously to the installation of the final manufacturing plant.


Services of Company Incubation


They provide support to the creation, development and/or improvement of incubating companies under the categories: “Resident” and “Associated” in terms of technology and management. Resident implies that the company is physically installed in the incubator while Associated means that the company has its own site and receives support by technological and strategic means .



– Companies Pre-Incubated Services


They offer conditions to transform an idea into a product, through the availability of a favorable infra-structure. It focus on the product development , not on the company’s.


Services of Consortia of P&D* Cells


It is the availability of the rental service of a physical environment ready for the installation of R&D Consortia, allowing researchers, R&D institutions and companies, to develop new technologies jointly. It also enables researchers to dispense the use of laboratories, and to focus on the resources for the development of technologies of consolidated companies interests, instead.


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